Monday, December 1, 2008
Jackson Wayne Hubert

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Grandma Celebrates Another Birthday

November 12 was a windy and cold day, but it was a great day to celebrate a birthday. Gregory and his care giver, Linda and Wayne and I went to Corona Village. Gregory surprised me by buying me roses and a cake. I got so many wonderful cards and some special gifts. I am really lucky to have so many beautiful people in my life.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Beautiful Kankakee River
Catching Turtles
Grandma and Grandpa Fishing in the Kankakee River

Wayne and I had a nice time visiting in our home town. For the first time in my life (unbelievable) I went fishing in the Kankakee River. We both caught many fish, smallmouth bass, suckers, bluegills, rock bass, and a few turtles. Here are some photos and a couple of videos for your viewing pleasure. Guess who caught the Big Fish?
New Vegetation in the Garden
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Leaving Time for the Baby Finches

This afternoon, I heard the finches chirping and I looked out to see one of the baby birds standing on the nest, getting ready to fly to the tree in front of our house where Mom and Dad finch were calling and waiting for them. Obviously, I missed two others that had fledged the nest, but I got to see the last two fly away. After the first one flew to the tree, the last one was looking out of the nest, thinking about what he/she had to do. It took about a half an hour for the bird to decided to take the chance, but it finally did. The photo of the bird in the tree is the Dad calling the baby out of the nest.
The Empty Nest
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Finch Family
In May, 2007, a pair of red finches built a nest on our front porch. It was so much fun watching the babies grow from eggs to nestlings, to full grown birds reading to fly. The finch Mom and Dad were so successful with the nest on our porch, they had a second family in July. Our granddaughters Ella, Meg, Tayler and Mariah enjoyed watching the birds with us. This May, another pair of finches, perhaps the same pair, built a nest in the same place on our porch. There are three, maybe four babies. It won't be long before they are ready to leave the nest. Maybe we'll have another finch family this year in July. What do you think?
Urban Wildlife

Even though we're in the city of Laramie, we still have lots of wildlife that graces our neighborhood. We have two types of doves, mourning doves and Eurasian doves--the are really big!! We have many birds like pine siskins, chickadees, sparrows, finches, crow and robins, and later on in July, the hummingbirds will be here. This year we have lots of squirrels and bunnies. This photos is of a bluebird that made a nest next door to our home in Saratoga. The photo of the bunny is just one of the many bunnies who like to hang around our neighborhood. This one likes to take a nap under the bushes in our yard. You don't have to go to the forest to enjoy the wildlife around you.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!!
Father's Day 2008

We celebrated Father's Day today. Gregory came over and we had lunch. He made Daddy a beautiful card, as you can see in the above photo. Wayne got a new book, by CJ Box, Blood Trail. He's a local writer and one of Wayne's favorite. He's read all CJ Box's books. Wayne also got some Old Style beer. The only thing better would have been fishing, a book and some beer.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Gregory's World

Gregory lives in a beautiful home near the baseball field at LaBonte Park. He lives with four other people: Tim, Liz, Shana and Debbie, who is his girlfriend. He has lots of wonderful care givers who help him throughout the day and night. Linda is with him during the day and takes him many places like the ARK to his job of shredding paper and to exercise, they go shopping and to different appointments and they go bowling on Fridays.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
This One's for Ella
Our granddaughter, Ella, called tonight and asked about our crab. I told Ella that I would take a video of our crab and our new aquarium. Here's the video and I think Mr. Crab is waving at her. In the background, you can hear Grandpa talking to Ella. Hope you like the video, Ella. We love you!!
Wayne and Sandy Celebrate their 19th Anniversary

June 9, 2008, marks our 19th anniversary. Imagine that?!! Where has time gone? We enjoyed a great, but extremely cold, windy, rainy, overcast weekend in Saratoga with our friends, Maureen and George Vance and Pam and Rich Olson. Our Saratoga neighbors, Nancy and Steve Facciani also helped make the anniversary weekend one of the best!! The weather quashed our plans for fishing and hiking, but it didn't stop the fun and laughter.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
That's All For Now
Well, that was my first attempt. It has to get better as I learn to manipulate the system. I hope I'll be able to put items in sequence better next time. Thanks for watching!
Spending Time with the Girls in South Dakota
In May, Wayne and I went to see Kim, Gary and the girls. We had a great time! We took Tayler and Krystal camping (separately, of course, so we could have our own special time together). Mariah is getting so big, talkative and sweet. Here are some videos and photos of the girls.
Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park

In, May, Wayne spoke at the Sportmen for Sustainable Development Symposium at Jackson Lake Lodge. I could pass up the chance to stay there, so I went, too. Even though it was cool and rainy, the Tetons are magnificant to look at, when you can see them through the clouds. Here are a few photos from our visit.
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